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CareAparent Blog

Companionship During the Holiday Season

December 9, 2019

Companionship During the Holiday Season Some of our dearest memories include holidays spent with loved ones. Familiar sights and scents of the season are...

Veteran Care and Resources

November 11, 2019

Veteran Care and Resources Share the History Many of us have friends or loved ones who are veterans or are actively serving in the military. We love our...

When the Future Becomes Now: Care and Finances

October 7, 2019

When the Future Becomes Now: Care and Finances Many would prefer to deny their loved one’s age. However, when it comes to financial planning, thinking...

Fall Prevention Information: Common Causes, Risks, & Tips

August 7, 2019

A bad fall as one ages can be the catalyst for a decline in health conditions.  Long recovery times with reduced mobility can leave people less mobile...

Benefits of Exercise When We Age

July 8, 2019

As your loved one’s age, it is to be expected that their aches and pains increase. The body is a wonderful thing, and in the first half of our lives...

Health and Wellness Resolutions for the Elderly

January 28, 2019

It can be easy to lose track of what we are supposed to be doing to stay healthy. Life is busy, after all, and between work, family, and other obligations,...

Is It Time for In-Home Care? Recognizing the signs.

October 18, 2018

As we ourselves age, so too do our parents. As adults we often find ourselves becoming the caretakers of others, paying back the loving dedication and...

In-Home Health Care vs. In-Home Caregiving – What’s the difference?

August 17, 2018

Very few things are really “one size fits all” and nowhere is that truer than in how we age. One can meet a 50-year-old woman who considers...

Talking About In-Home Care with Your Loved One

July 23, 2018

For anyone with aging parents, you know that any decline in health and capability can be difficult to address. If your parent’s home is not as tidy...